====== How to play: ====== The bot commands start with "**j!**". Most of them only work in a text channel whose name contains "**jdr-bot**" To play, you need to load a scenario with "**j!play [scenario_name]**", then use the game commands. To see the list of scenarios, you have the **j!list_scripts** command, then you navigate between the differents category and pages, with discord reactions. The **[...]** indicates a parameter to tell the bot, without the "[" and "]" (the scenario's name for example) Complete list of bot commands: * **j!link** Displays the ftp(s) where the scenarios are hosted (or **j!url**, **j!lien** or **j!link**) * **j!link add [your_url]** Adds the url to the bot's list of urls * **j!link remove [your_url]** Remove the url from the bot's url list * **j!link base** Leave only the base url and the descriptions * **j!list_scripts** Displays the list of available scenarios (or **j!scripts** or **j!scenarios**) * **j!play [scenario_name]** (or **j!jouer** or **j!load** or **j!jo**). * **j!move [room_name_or_number]** (or **j!go** or **j!avancer** or **j!av**). * It is possible that the room you want to go to has a digicode for example, in this case "**j!go [room_number] [code]**". * In other cases, it may be a bet for example (casino): "**j!move forward [room_number] [bet]**", etc. * **j!back** returns to the previous room (checking if it is allowed) (or **j!back** or **j!return**) * **j!look [furniture or object or here/ici]** (the last repeats text of the current room) (or **j!examiner**, **j!ex** or **j!look**) * **j!take [object]** (picks up an object) (or **j!pr** or **j!prendre**) * **j!reply** answers a question or puzzle in a scenario * **j!item** (displays the inventory) (or **j!iv** or **j!inventaire** or **j!items**) * **j!throw [item]** (remove the item from your inventory. (or **j!je** or **j!jeter**) * **j!giveup** (end the game) (or **j!ab** or **j!abandonner**) * **j!modif [variable]** (changes the value of a variable whose name ends with _m) (or **j!modifier**, **j!edit**, **j!change** or **j!changer**) The bot also has others commands: * **j!ping** displays the bot's response time and j!info or j!faq the information about the bot * **j!setprefix** or **j!prefix** allows to change the bot prefix on a server * **j!roll [XdY]** (or **j!jeter_des**, **j!dice**, **j!dices**, **j!des** or **j!lancer_des**) * It is possible to add several dice rolls and values * For example "**j!throw_of 3d6 + 2d20 + 5**". * You can add parameters in the following order (each is optional, but if you combine them, respect this order): * "**rX** " => Relaunch dice whose value is X * "**mX**" => Adds a die if the value of the die is X (cumulative, and each additional die can itself give a new one) * "**!X**" => Count the number of dice equal to or greater than X * For example : **j!throw_of_3d6r1m6!4** => Raises the "1", adds one dice for each "6", and counts one success per "4 or more". * **j!coin [nb_coins]** (or **j!coins**, **j!flip**, **j!flipcoin** or **j!pileface**) **Find us on the [[https://discord.gg/Z63DtVV|discord Make&Play]]**