Once upon a time... (by Obat)## Brief description 2## Number of rooms 1 name_room1 You're very hungry !+n+&&## Description of the room You can collect food from the fridge.+n+&&## The +n+&& is necessary At the end of each line of the description, except the last one) +n+&& 1️⃣ - Go to the Fridge+n+&&## Description of the action 2️⃣ - Try to find an old crisp paquet## be careful not to do +n+&& here, and be careful not to leave unnecessary spaces at the end of lines) |## Separator,you can also indicate an Object or a Variable here 1->2## Allows to have a reaction under the message to execute the action (see the last line) to go to room 2 2->2 Fridge->2## Allows an action to be carried out via the j!go-to to go to room 2 *****************## Separator between 2 rooms 2 name_room2 You eat, it feels really good.+n+&& +n+&& End | 999|null## Indication to the bot that this is the end of the scenario ***************** 1§1️⃣|2§2️⃣## Indicates that the 1 and 2 in the directions should be represented by emoji"1️⃣ " et "2️⃣ "