Using variables as conditions

Just like objects and conditions (keyword “invisible”), variables can be used as conditions. To tell the bot that we are using a variable, we surround it with “v_” and “_v”.
In the example of variables , we had 2 accessible rooms:

The order of the access or non-access phrases is the same as with objects or states. It is possible to combine different types of conditions (objects, states and variable)

The use of a variable as a condition is presented in the form : [variable or value].[operator].[variable or value]. The bot takes into account the following operators:

For example v_score_v.>=.50 : we check if the score is higher or equal to 50. Or v_price_v.out.3-10 : we check if the price is not between 3 and 10€.

Textual variable as condition

It is possible to use textual variables as an access condition. They are compatible with 4 operators:

It is possible to compare to another textual variable (always with “t_” and “_t”) or to change the position as needed. For example put « “San”.in.t_variable1_t » to check if “variable1” contains “San”.

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