Basic syntax

The scenario is composed of blocks of information, read by the bot.

Here is a basic scenario, with 3 rooms. Each part will then be explained to you, using a color code to differentiate each block.

scenario title or description
1 room_name_1
Room_1 text
2 room_name_2
Room_2 text+n+&&
Continuation of text +n+from room 2
3 room_name_3
text of &&
999|Game Over

So the scenario starts with a TIRE, which can be followed by one (or more) of the optional options (refresh, inventory, variable or room).
These options are advanced functions, using reactions. So they will be explained to you in use of reactions

Then we have the Number of ROOMS (a room = a chapter or a passage of the scenario)
Next to the number of rooms, you can indicate a markdown for the colorization of your scenario on discord (“fix” by default)
Then, each room is broken down into several blocks (or parts):

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