====== Play Sound ====== The bot automatically connects to the "JDR-Bot" voice channel if it exists, at the beginning of each game. It disconnects at the end of the game or in case of give up. To include a sound in your scenario, you must put the link of the sound between : "<<" and ">>". For example "The monster sends you a bomb.<> You take 50 points of damage! " The bot cannot make two sounds simultaneously. If a sound is already in progress, the bot will stop the old sound to put on the new one. Also, the sounds do not play continuously, they are launched once by the bot. However, if the person returns to the room where the sound is, the bot will start the sound again. If you want to play background music, and put sounds to your actions, you can give the players the link to your background music at the beginning of the scenario, and use the bot for the action sounds. If several games are in progress on the same server (on different channels), the sounds will be played on the same voice channel (a bot can only connect to one voice channel per server). **Find us on the [[https://discord.gg/Z63DtVV|discord Make&Play]]**